Monday, June 14, 2021

4B - SUM6


Natural Resources

What are Natural Resources?

Natural resources can be defined as the resources that exist (on the planet) independent of human actions.

These are the resources that are found in the environment and are developed without the intervention of humans. Common examples of natural resources include air, sunlight, water, soil, stone, plants, animals and fossil fuels.

Natural resources are naturally occurring materials that are useful to man or could be useful under conceivable technological, economic or social circumstances or supplies drawn from the earth, supplies such as food, building and clothing materials, fertilizers, metals, water and geothermal power. For a long time, natural resources were the domain of the natural sciences.

What are the Different Types of Natural Resources?

Based on the availability are two types of natural resources:

  1. Renewable: resources that are available in infinite quantity and can be used repeatedly are called renewable resources. Example: Forest, wind, water, etc.
  2. Non-Renewable: resources that are limited in abundance due to their non-renewable nature and whose availability may run out in the future are called non-renewable resources. Examples include fossil fuels, minerals, etc.

Difference between Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources

Renewable resourceNon-renewable resource
It can be renewed as it is available in infinite quantityOnce completely consumed, it cannot be renewed due to limited stock
Sustainable in natureExhaustible in nature
Low cost and environment-friendlyHigh cost and less environment-friendly
Replenish quicklyReplenish slowly or do not replenish naturally at all

The 5 Most Important Natural Resources are:

  1. Air: Clean air is important for all the plants, animals, humans to survive on this planet. So, it is necessary to take measures to reduce air pollution.
  2. Water: 70% of the Earth is covered in water and only 2 % of that is freshwater. Initiative to educate and regulate the use of water should be taken.
  3. Soil: Soil is composed of various particles and nutrients. It helps plants grow.
  4. Iron: It is made from silica and is used to build strong weapons, transportation and buildings
  5. Forests: As the population increases, the demand for housing and construction projects also increases. Forests provide clean air and preserve the ecology of the world.


  1. What are the uses of natural resources?
  2. How do humans depend on natural resources?
  3. Does recycling save natural resources?



4B - SUM6

  Natural Resources What are Natural Resources? Natural resources can be defined as the resources that exist (on the planet) independent of ...