Monday, June 14, 2021

4B - SUM6


Natural Resources

What are Natural Resources?

Natural resources can be defined as the resources that exist (on the planet) independent of human actions.

These are the resources that are found in the environment and are developed without the intervention of humans. Common examples of natural resources include air, sunlight, water, soil, stone, plants, animals and fossil fuels.

Natural resources are naturally occurring materials that are useful to man or could be useful under conceivable technological, economic or social circumstances or supplies drawn from the earth, supplies such as food, building and clothing materials, fertilizers, metals, water and geothermal power. For a long time, natural resources were the domain of the natural sciences.

What are the Different Types of Natural Resources?

Based on the availability are two types of natural resources:

  1. Renewable: resources that are available in infinite quantity and can be used repeatedly are called renewable resources. Example: Forest, wind, water, etc.
  2. Non-Renewable: resources that are limited in abundance due to their non-renewable nature and whose availability may run out in the future are called non-renewable resources. Examples include fossil fuels, minerals, etc.

Difference between Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources

Renewable resourceNon-renewable resource
It can be renewed as it is available in infinite quantityOnce completely consumed, it cannot be renewed due to limited stock
Sustainable in natureExhaustible in nature
Low cost and environment-friendlyHigh cost and less environment-friendly
Replenish quicklyReplenish slowly or do not replenish naturally at all

The 5 Most Important Natural Resources are:

  1. Air: Clean air is important for all the plants, animals, humans to survive on this planet. So, it is necessary to take measures to reduce air pollution.
  2. Water: 70% of the Earth is covered in water and only 2 % of that is freshwater. Initiative to educate and regulate the use of water should be taken.
  3. Soil: Soil is composed of various particles and nutrients. It helps plants grow.
  4. Iron: It is made from silica and is used to build strong weapons, transportation and buildings
  5. Forests: As the population increases, the demand for housing and construction projects also increases. Forests provide clean air and preserve the ecology of the world.


  1. What are the uses of natural resources?
  2. How do humans depend on natural resources?
  3. Does recycling save natural resources?




  1. Ema Pizarro

    1. Drink water, eat, breath.

    2. We can rysaicle, clean the house.

    3. Yes because we can safe animals.

  2. Bernardo Natural Resources are elements that the nature give the world to humans and animals to survival

    1.- Natural resources are used to make food, fuel and raw materials for the production of goods

  4. Isaac
    1drink eat breth
    2rysaicle an clen the hause
    2 yes we can sabe the animals

    2.- Mea fish., water trees

  6. 3.- Bernardo Yes natural resources will stay in erth if we recycicle because if we contaminate the water the meat the trees will die.

  7. sofi castellanos
    1 Drink water, eat, breath an olso we use natural for enegy
    2 buecuse we contaminet and the natural resoces not complit her fucion
    3 we have to recycling to keep the natural resorces

  8. Zoi Grigoriadis

    |1 to live to drink water to eat breath to have sun and to have rock
    2 we nith the natural risorses because if wi dont have natural risorses we dont can live because we nith sun we nith water we nith air
    3 yes like if i reciclar plactic or peper

    3.- Is because recycling save natural, animals and pland

  10. 1 Water air animals
    2 beacouse the erth can live more years
    3 yes becuse ye can save water ans plants
    joaquin Freire

  11. Mathias Donoso

    Currently, natural resources are used by human beings to satisfy their subsistence needs, such as food, health, economic and leisure; These have become a source of life and development for the community that lives in this place.

    The forest provides wood for humans, food, water, and shelter for flora and fauna.

    Permite ahorrar energía de forma significativa. Es menos costoso reciclar un material que fabricarlo desde cero, como ocurre por ejemplo con el vidrio. Reciclar ayuda a evitar la explotación de los recursos naturales.

  12. Drink water, eat, breath.

    2. We can rysaicle, clean the house.

    3. Yes because we can safe animals.

  13. Leonor Llanos
    1. Drink water, food to eat and energy to cook.
    2. Because we need water to drink,food to eat ect.
    3. Yes, because we are carring the planet.

  14. martina maldonado
    1.the water, land and air
    2. they use to dreathe,to drink water and to live
    3.yes the recycle.

  15. Joaquin Villalba
    1. The people uses the natural resources support the life and all the people's needs
    2. The people depend the resources to make food, take the water, clothing, electricity and fuel and raw materials for the production of goods.
    The people to take the animals the milk, cheese, eggs, meat, fish, chicken and the plants take fruits, vegetables, grains.
    3. I recycling bottles, boxes, cardboard and paper, because is important to protect the planet

  16. Maria Emilia Maldonado
    1. Uses of natural resources: to feed people, to drink water, to have materials to build housing, to have clothes. To make any item and technology equipment to serve the human kind.
    2. Humans depend on natural resources to survive , to eat, to drink to breath and have cities and housing to live.
    3. Yes , it does, this helps to stop air pollution and to clean our air. Also to clean our oceans and waters to preserve animals , forests and not to waste our world and environment with contaminants and garbage that are destroying our nature and our atmosphere.

  17. Luciana Herrera

    1. Some of the uses of natural resources are, to feed people with food, building and clothing, drink water.
    2. To survive
    3. Yes, because earth can not survive with plastics, papers or trash.

  18. Mia Zavala natural resorces if we not have wi can di
    if we not have aire we can thi

  19. Benjamin Guerini

    1 drink make gasoline make energy breath

    2 because our body is 60 % of water and because we breath air

    3 yes

  20. Matteo Guerra
    1. All the plants and trees are going to die

    2. humans need to care about the earth

    3. yes because the humans help the planet and everything is save

  21. 1.- Natural resources are used to make food, fuel and raw materials for the production of goods.
    2. Meat, fish, water, trees, clother and the most important air.
    3. Is because recycling save natural, animals and plants.

    Vicky Orbe

  22. David Alejandro

    Currently, natural resources are used by humans to meet their subsistence needs, such as food, health, economic.

  23. valentina mena

    what are the uses of natural resourses?

    natural resourses are used to make food, fuel and raw materials for the production goods.

    who do humans deped on natural resources'

    natural resourses are used to make food, fuel and raw materials for the production of goods.

    does recycling save natural resources?

    recycling also protectes natural resourses and it reduses environmental damage caused by mining logging and the prosessing of raw marerials.

  24. Bernardo:
    1.- We use natural resources everyday like water, minerals, oil. Water helps us to stay alive, minerals like salt to eat and oil to make petroleum and gas.
    2.- Humans depend on natural resources because we use them to make food, gas and other materials that we use.
    3.- Yes, recycling saves natural resources because we reduce waste and we save the rest of the resources for later.

  25. Isaac Terán
    We use natural resources to srbaib bicos ar things that we nede.
    We depend on natural resources to eat drink an survib.
    Recycle yes save natural resourcesbecos it came from the word an wen the word is contamineided we dai thats wai we ned to recycl

  26. Isaac Terán
    1-We use natural resources to survive because it has all the things that we need.
    2-We depend on natural resources to eat, drink, and survive.
    3-Recycling save natural resources because it reduces the trash in the environment.


4B - SUM6

  Natural Resources What are Natural Resources? Natural resources can be defined as the resources that exist (on the planet) independent of ...